Sunday, October 26, 2014

Filth & Blatz

Filth & Bltz... you probably loved them or fucking hated them. This will balance out the last 2 posts haha

i was gonna put blatz on here but i changed my mind. cuz i fucking hate them

the Cuffs - various songs

the Cuffs
NJ - '96?-'02?

Another band fitting the proper English definition of streetpunk - punk dominated by oi sounds. They weren't afraid to play a fast tune either but they're more memorable for their melodic yet aggressive songs, and patriotic, skinhead style "politics".

a song reflective of some of the rifts in the 90's scene.
"Punk's not Dread"

"John L Sullivan"

Ciderfex - song "Wycombe" & live video / bitching

Wycombe UK - '96? - '99?

ok so this band is definitely on the oi side. this is what british people mean when they say streetpunk, not like when americans say it and they picture the Casualties. I hate this blog almost as much as i hate the word blog. If you like this stuff (the other posts) then tell me about your local band growing up or where to find some recordings of some obscure (or better yet) or interesting 90's and real early 00's bands. Because if i have to wade through another youtube cesspool of Monster Squad worship and Casualties rip-off bands then i'm gonna cut my fuckin mohawk off and drink 40's to death in ritual suicide.

if you want something noisy Chaos UK style too, then grab their split with the other best named band, the Chineapple Punx - "Chunk and Disorderly".

Thursday, October 23, 2014

the End - songs "Chaos" & "WWIII"

the End
NY state - '99?-'00?

The End - "Chaos" from '99 split ep with A Global Threat

The End - "World War III" from '00 ep "Natural Paths to Extinction"

the Krays - live Holidays In The Sun '02

NYC's The Krays live at Holidays In The Sun fest. Asbury Pqrk, New Jersey 2002

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Majority Rules - 90's demo

punx is lazy:
"Majority was formerly United Strike then became Majority Rules(Majority for short) then later became HighRise. Majority was a 90's Street Punk band from East Los Angeles Boyle Heights. In This Recording it is Serino Patino-vocals,Marcos Estrada-guitar,Manuel Mata drums And Santino Ortega on Bass and Fernie Estrada on back up vocals. this recording was recorded by Fernie Estrada and Gus from Teenage Rage"

Infected Youth / ranting

here's a newer band who are new school sounding but somehow don't piss me off as much as the other bands. I hate this blog cuz i ran out of little bands (without putting in too much effort to find new ones, or due to lack of recordings) and original sounding bands, plus i drank away most of my knowledge of this time period, and rarely listen to alot of these bands. I hate most "streetpunk" from the 2000s and alot of the 90's shit was fucking stupid - it was cliche as fuck but at the same time fun as hell! A bunch of drunk (mostly) teenagers having a fucking blast, burning off frustration, sometimes only copying each other and trying to be cool... but some even having something to say and sounded good doing it! Whatever, if soe people fill me in on some good older bands i will keep doing this. Asi find old demos etc i will throw them up here but i prettymuch don;t give shit. Dig around this site and do some work for yourself, there were bands in every shit town everywhere with plaid and hairspray giving it a shot.For now here's some band i randomly found while trying to listen to Attak's demo on youtube:

i do 2 other music "blogs" - one for UK82 and one for 80's British Oi. check em out if that's your thing.