Sunday, March 23, 2014

Street Punk Chaos Punk Pogo Punk Drunk Punk Oi! Punk circa '90-'05ish... Documenting an entire chapter in punk history that many are now embarrassed of, but almost all were a part of.

 this is just something to fuck around with when i find myself hating the world and bored. In the U.S., at least, there were "streetpunk" bands in almost every city/town with a enough of a population... this is to loosely collect as many of those bands as possible. For fun and nostalgia, even laughs (i mean c'mon, did you motherfuckers look in the mirror...), but also to share the good and forgotten bands that were probably not known very well outside of their areas. There's gonna be a lot of inaccurate info and things missing. Plus it's all youtube and myspace songs for now, maybe downloads in the future (go cry about it). It is roughly aimed at, but not limited to, "american" streetpunk. A lot of these bands will be pushing toward crust, oi, hardcore or just normal fucking punk rock, as long as its prettymuch 90's and has the right attitude or sound... This blog is not dedication, but something to do for fun out of boredom and music OCD. So feel free to contribute information, but fuck off with your snobbery and know-it-all attitudes, i could give a fuck less. Just stumble upon this when you're drunk and let the nostalgia flow like you dropped a full 40. -jesse

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