Tuesday, July 7, 2015


still recovering from Fuck You, We Rule OK! - a punkfest in tulsa oklahoma (the fest takes its name from some double wordplay and a song by my local friends' now defunct band Reckless Reasons). got to see who killed spikey jacket, the erections and alcohol fueled multiple times, ignored and drank through a lot of bands and special duties couldn't make it but i ran into the guy who got people calling uk82, well.... uk82. he made this website: www.uk82.com. and i ran into a lot of good people plus saw and participated in some insane shit. if you've been to this blog you obviously like your streetpunk and are probably much less of a picky asshole than me and would have loved it. so i would strongly advise going, even to you other instagram-worship clownpunk haters like me. besides i know the promoters and they work their dicks off to do that shit, so check it out next year and buy them beer... double besides - Special Duties are already booked for the next one.

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